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Philippines 2019

I rarely use the word rest to describe an activity in my career-driven lifestyle. That's what sleep is for, right? To rest means to cease work to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength. With the pressure of deadlines and balancing work/family, taking a pause isn't high on my priority list. On my recent trip home to the Philippines, I decided to make it a goal - rest, and be present.

Turns out resting takes a bit of conscious practice, and it wasn't easy. Hours felt longer without the constant refresh of my emails and social media channels. There was time to reflect and not rush through my day. I am not a morning person, but coffee and breakfast became a daily occurrence with my parents. My Lola's activities became mine - puzzles and coffee in the morning, naps in front of the fan in the afternoon, and movies in the evening. During our quiet moments, my Lola would reminisce and tell me stories of her childhood. Moments and stories I would undoubtedly miss staring at a screen or rushing to the next part of my day.

Spiritual burnout can also occur when there is no balance. In this state, Christians can feel hopeless, and are prone to experience spiritual doubt. We take on too much work without allowing ourselves to process and grow. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says, "He has made everything beautiful in its time." God created different seasons in our lives. If we move too fast, we might just miss the lessons in our hardships, the joy in building and growing relationships, or the peace in meditating on personal and spiritual growth.



© A. del Castillo
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