My last post was in August? Wow, time just passes like sand through my fingertips.
I don't even know if this should be a review of 2024, or just a 'hello we made it to 2025!' type of post.
Remember in 2023 when I wrote about how my current transition felt like walking through a desert? That was a season.
A season of waiting, and learning how to grow in gratitude. & boy, how the milk and honey flowed in 2024! Blessings.
I am most grateful for my family and the supportive community that helps us raise our son. I once believed generational wealth was purely tangible — assets, property, money. Isn’t that the American dream, to pass comfort and security to the next generation? Wasn’t that my parents' dream? Why they left the comforts of the Philippines for a chance of more opportunities? Wasn’t it mine, wasn’t that what drove me to pursue my career so relentlessly in LA?
They say motherhood changes you. For me, it revealed something deeper. I’ve come to realize that the generational wealth passed down to me extends beyond material success — it's the courage to break generational curses. I've witnessed the women in my life actively unlearn patterns to break trauma cycles. Digging down the darkest memories to unroot shame and become advocates for one another. I’m surrounded by a village of immigrant parents who worked multiple jobs while raising a family alone selflessly offering Tino and me the gift of shared parenting—allowing us to embrace the joy of raising our son without having to ...endure.
Endure. The word sends chills down my spine.
It echoes through the generations before me.
It defines the working class - those who dream of a better life.
It lingers on my parent's lips like a whisper, woven into the stories they tell.
& for my village to look at me and think, I endured, but because I did, she won't.
What a gift of love and healing. Almost priceless if you ask me. God is good, and that is the foundation of 2025 for me.
